Volunteer Opportunities

Coffee Hour

Volunteers are needed to host the coffee hours that follow both the 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. services each Sunday. Please indicate your interest using the sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall. It can be as simple or fancy as suits you. If you want to bring food but not make coffee, or if you can help with the cleanup, please indicate this on the sign up sheet.

Altar Flowers

A number of Sundays later in the year remain available for dedications of altar flowers.

If you would like to sign up, please use the sheet located at the top of the stairs leading from the Nave to the Parish Hall.

Food Pantry

The patrons of our Food Pantry are especially in need right now of canned meat and ready-to-eat dinners.

Cash donations are also welcome throughout the year. Please make your check payable to Emmanuel Episcopal Church, and write "Food Pantry" on the memo line.

In March 2017 (the most recent month for which figures are available), the Food Pantry served 331 individual patrons, which brought our year-to-date total to 1,063.

Volunteer Tutors Needed

Emmanuel Episcopal Church is blessed to host courses offered by Skyline Literacy for members of the community.

Skyline Literacy is currently seeking new volunteers to serve as tutors for adult learners from our community.

Support is needed in a variety of subject-areas, including English for non-native speakers, preparation for citizenship tests, GED preparation, math, and basic reading and writing.

Last year, Skyline tutors impacted the lives of more than 300 learners. Training and curriculum are provided.

Upcoming orientation sessions are scheduled for Thursday, May 18, and Monday, May 22, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Register via e-mail, or call 540-433-0505.

Registration can also be accomplished by going to Skyline Literacy's website.

Come join in this important work!

Sunday School

We are always looking for volunteers to lead our Sunday School class that meets during the service. Volunteers will give a lesson and provide a craft for the children to participate in.

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